Shoulda Said

Thursday, January 16, 2003

This really excites me. I'm a real dork.

On another note, I rarely get annoyed by politics. Yes, I'm a liberal. No, I'm not a Democrat. I don't care one way or the other who is in power, I basically feel that our two parties are essentially the same. I tend to agree more with the Democrats, but that doesn't excuse them from being money-grubbing whores. Anyway, the point is, I'm not politically active, and I rarely express my beliefs about political things. But this really irked me. Sorry to any of you reading this who are pro-life, but I think that most pro-life arguments are bullshit, and I think declaring a National Life Day or whatever is about the most pompous "I'm right and you aren't" thing I've ever heard. I could sit here and flesh out all of the reasons why I disagree with pro-lifers, but it's nothing new. To sum them up in one long sentence, it's a woman's right, if you are so concerned with children then why do you turn your nose at single mothers living in poverty, why is it any of your business anyway, the damn thing isn't even alive yet, there are usually extinuating circumstances leading up to the abortion, it's safer if it's legalized than if it's being done illegally on the streets, and on and on. If I wasn't tired, I'm sure I'd come up with a longer list of my beliefs. As it is, this should be enough to generate plenty of comments either for or against what I'm saying.


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