Shoulda Said

Thursday, April 03, 2003

"Liberal Media" my ass

I posted this on Dan's site yesterday, but I feel so strongly about it, I figured it needed a voice here, too.

There are about seven reasons I can think of just off the top of my head as to why the "liberal media" is a bullshit term. If the media is so liberal, why is it that six companies own well over half of the media holdings in the United States, if not the world. That doesn't seem very democratic to me. If the media is so liberal, how come labor strikes are reported in terms of how much they will cost the rich white shareholders who own the company, as opposed to how many rights are being violated of the union workers? I don't understand how someone can believe that the media is liberal when so many issues that are key to liberals (such as welfare and healthcare) are mentioned in the news in brief blips, but there are full networks devoted to financial news that, maybe, pertains to the richest five percent of the country. It might be true that the journalists in this country have a liberal bias, but do not, under any circumstances, believe that they are the ones really shaping what is seen on media. they can report until their faces turn blue on liberal issues, but since those stories don't draw in the lucrative viewers, they will most likely get canned within a week. They are merely puppets and scapegoats that the conservative media owners can use to draw attention away from their conglomerate media empires. Buying into the myth of liberal media is exactly what they want you to do.


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