Mmmm...Fish Oil
My mom's doctor told her that she should start taking fish oil twice a day as a way of keeping her cholesterol down. Being adventurous, and also being of slightly higher cholesterol, I decided to give it a shot today and take one capsule (the recommended dosage is two capsules, twice a day), just for kicks.
Bad move.
There's nothing like the joyous aftertaste of fish in your mouth all day, without any of the unnecessary prerequisites, like eating fish. It's only 9:15 in the morning right now, and I've already had two starlight mints in an attempt to rid my breath of the presence of seafood, with no luck. Apparently, the fish oil they use in these pills is a deeper, truer form of fish stench that settles into your throat membranes and stays there, refusing to yield to breath mints or mouth spray. If I had mouthwash here, I'd most certainly give it a shot, but I have a feeling that the used mouthwash would take on the odor of a marina at low tide. I might have to pass on the fish oil, and just have a heart attack at an early age. I think that might actually be a pretty fair trade.
Bad move.
There's nothing like the joyous aftertaste of fish in your mouth all day, without any of the unnecessary prerequisites, like eating fish. It's only 9:15 in the morning right now, and I've already had two starlight mints in an attempt to rid my breath of the presence of seafood, with no luck. Apparently, the fish oil they use in these pills is a deeper, truer form of fish stench that settles into your throat membranes and stays there, refusing to yield to breath mints or mouth spray. If I had mouthwash here, I'd most certainly give it a shot, but I have a feeling that the used mouthwash would take on the odor of a marina at low tide. I might have to pass on the fish oil, and just have a heart attack at an early age. I think that might actually be a pretty fair trade.
My dad takes that stuff. I think he chases it with coffee, which is probably detrimental. I don't know.
Maybe if you took the capsules before a meal or something...
03/11/2004 09:44:16 AM
Anonymous, at 1:01 PM
Unless it was a meal of onions or something else similarly overpowering, I don't see how it would do much good.
03/11/2004 10:17:25 AM
Anonymous, at 1:01 PM
ewww. but in an effort to sympathize with you, i was just in the kitchen a few minutes ago and decided to take a quick sniff of the pills. i don't totally feel your pain but at the same time, i'm happy i'm not near you. hee. kidding.
03/11/2004 10:34:13 AM
Anonymous, at 1:01 PM
The pills didn't smell bad, mainly because all the bad stuff is contained within a thin, soluble plastic shell. Inside is a potent digestive Molotov cocktail of pungency.
03/11/2004 10:51:40 AM
Anonymous, at 1:01 PM
well, the pills that my dad has have a distinct aroma. maybe it's just 'vitamin smell' and not fish. but whatever you say, steve.
03/11/2004 11:06:28 AM
Anonymous, at 1:01 PM
Steve, no pain and halitosis, no gain. The things people do for their health.
03/11/2004 11:10:31 AM
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
I'm not really going for a gain here. More like a loss. Is there a saying for that?
"No floss, no loss"
"No gloss, no loss"
"No albatross, no loss"
Nope, none of these are even remotely intelligent.
03/11/2004 11:15:07 AM
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
you should try taking the fish oil with a garlic supliment, that would make it like a more palatable seasoned fish dinner. when i had a cold blinky palermo's wife suggested that i only take the galic with dinner, so that i didn't keep wondering why my breakfast had such an odd aftertaste (continuing hours after).
03/11/2004 04:34:19 PM
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
My breath would be kickin' after that (the "g" implies lack of kickingness, and had to be left off).
03/11/2004 04:51:09 PM
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
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