Real Quick
I know a lot of people have already mentioned this in various places all over the web, but I had to throw in my two cents: what was Peter Jackson trying to prove at the Oscars? I mean, I was ALL for the Return of the King sweep. I didn't watch (in true nerd form, I planned on catching it all on the internet the next day), but I have seen pictures. While I consider Peter Jackson to be one of the more talented directors out there, and to have made one of the best series of movies I'll see in my lifetime, I don't consider him a man who should be dressing himself. Jackson looked like he just woke up from a three-day alcoholic binge after the love of his life married someone else. I could just envision him stumbling through a montage of neon lights telling him to drink and to gamble and to shave his grotesque beard. When your movie is favored to sweep the Oscars, meaning you'll have to go up on stage multiple times in front of beautiful people, the least you can do is use some Downy Wrinkle Remover on your tux. Unless we are to believe that the remake of King Kong is so time consuming that he doesn't get a chance to send his clothes to the dry cleaners, that was completely unacceptable. The Oscars are about seeing the beautiful people of the world. Otherwise, they'd be broadcast over the radio.
I didn't even think of the binge-drinking aspect. I did think he needed to learn to use an iron. Or at the very least, hire someone to do it for him!
03/02/2004 12:10:25 PM
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
Steve, your standards for Mr. Jackson are set way too high. Just be happy he wasn't wearing shorts.
03/02/2004 12:23:20 PM
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
True. I feel like someone should start referring to that man as "The Big Kahuna" and we'd only be able to find him in a beach shack, drinking from a coconut and talking about mondo waves.
03/02/2004 12:28:32 PM
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
Whenever I look at Peter Jackson, the only thing I can think of is how fortunate I am that I can't smell him.
03/02/2004 04:32:03 PM
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
Funny, Jess, but I think the same thing about you.
Sorry, I don't really mean that. It was just said in the heat of the moment.
03/02/2004 04:53:20 PM
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
I love the word montage.
03/02/2004 07:05:55 PM
Anonymous, at 5:04 PM
I love the word beard.
03/02/2004 08:00:55 PM
Anonymous, at 5:04 PM
You mean this guy... wouldn't let him like babysit your children or slice your meat for you? Ooooh, think ofthe hair you'd find in your soup if he was your waiter.
Is he hailing Hitler, by the way?
03/03/2004 11:44:15 AM
Anonymous, at 5:04 PM
He didn't look much better than that at the Oscars, aside from the fact that he was wearing a rumpled tux. And not trying to command a fleet of warships.
03/03/2004 12:09:45 PM
Anonymous, at 5:04 PM
I'm really jumping in the coversation late, but that's what Peter Jackson always looks like. Just think of him in the big, rumpled, teddy bear sense and all will be fine.
In order for that man to look good in a suit he would need... a haircut, weight loss, and a good tailor, someone to help him dress.
Just think great creativity tends to be messy.
03/03/2004 12:15:20 PM
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM
Seriously, though, we're talking a man here who makes John Goodman look dapper. DAPPER!
03/03/2004 01:48:21 PM
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM
I am beginning to think Peter Jackson came out the womb looking like that...his poor mother-can you imagine the doctor?..."It's a St. Bernard-I mean, a boy, I mean..."
03/03/2004 02:16:41 PM
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM
Oh my goodness. Maybe he should have played Hagrid in the Harry Potter movies...
or maybe his struggle for fantasy movies to become equals has morphed him into an unnamed mythical being.
03/03/2004 06:02:50 PM
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM
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