Zoobilee Zoo
Jena, Kenan, Michael, and I went to the zoo today. Suffice it to say, the zoo is a lot more fun when the animals are actually out. However, when the animals are all hibernating, or resting, or dead from some weird strain of zoo disease, it gives you a good chance to notice how shoddy the zoo is.
National Zoo is already pretty lame, so far as the amount of room the animals get, and how kept up the zoo is, but I never realized just how cheap they were until today. Given, the zoo is supported with tax dollars, so it's kind of understandable, but it's completely littered with stagnant pools of water. At every one of these pools, they have put up a sign that says "dragonfly pond", like they intentionally grew a stagnant pond of water in the middle of the zoo to attract more animals. I don't see a banana tree field to attract more monkeys, or a movie studio with Jerry O'Connell to attract more kangaroos. They also had a sign next to a big patch of overgrown grass and weeds saying how they were helping the environment by not mowing the lawn, as the lawnmower gives off both air and noise pollution. Listen, zoo authorities, I might not be the sharpest needle in the sewing kit, but I'm not THAT gullible. Just tell us, flat out, that you can't afford to hire gardeners because that would cost us more tax money, and I'll respect you for your honesty.
It was weak. If you're going to go to the National Zoo (and I highly recommend taking the three-hour detour and visiting the Philly Zoo instead, or the seven hour flight detour out to San Diego to see theirs), go in the summer. While it still sucks, the animals are actually out of their dens, and it's always nice to see animals at the zoo. Also, you can support the zoo by buying a $2.75 bottle of water.
National Zoo is already pretty lame, so far as the amount of room the animals get, and how kept up the zoo is, but I never realized just how cheap they were until today. Given, the zoo is supported with tax dollars, so it's kind of understandable, but it's completely littered with stagnant pools of water. At every one of these pools, they have put up a sign that says "dragonfly pond", like they intentionally grew a stagnant pond of water in the middle of the zoo to attract more animals. I don't see a banana tree field to attract more monkeys, or a movie studio with Jerry O'Connell to attract more kangaroos. They also had a sign next to a big patch of overgrown grass and weeds saying how they were helping the environment by not mowing the lawn, as the lawnmower gives off both air and noise pollution. Listen, zoo authorities, I might not be the sharpest needle in the sewing kit, but I'm not THAT gullible. Just tell us, flat out, that you can't afford to hire gardeners because that would cost us more tax money, and I'll respect you for your honesty.
It was weak. If you're going to go to the National Zoo (and I highly recommend taking the three-hour detour and visiting the Philly Zoo instead, or the seven hour flight detour out to San Diego to see theirs), go in the summer. While it still sucks, the animals are actually out of their dens, and it's always nice to see animals at the zoo. Also, you can support the zoo by buying a $2.75 bottle of water.
the zoo did suck. but it was all encompassingly fun. like this website: www.parasitepals.com.
why to kill the parasites?
02/29/2004 09:12:31 PM
Anonymous, at 4:59 PM
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