Cardio Kickboxing
So Elizabeth and I started a cardio kickboxing class last night that meets three days a week, and all I can say is that if THIS can't get me into shape, I may as well give up now and buy a muu-muu. That class TOTALLY kicked my ass. I am sore in places I didn't know I could be sore (the bottom of my left foot? my right elbow...why not?!). We joined for a month, so we'll see how firm a grasp I can get on my love handles by then. That'll be the real test of these classes. Right now, I can get a fistful. I'm shooting for a pinch. Wish me luck!
So does this mean we can't go muu-muu shopping next weekend?
02/24/2004 12:57:27 PM
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM
I'll ALWAYS make time for muu-muu shopping with you(you), Persico.
02/24/2004 12:59:05 PM
Anonymous, at 4:49 PM
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