Peer Mediation Bullshit
Today at work, we had an hour-long afternoon meeting teaching us how to deal with difficult people and to be a better listener. I'm sorry, wha? You say "but didn't you learn that in ninth grade when the geeky kids on the peer mediation squad came to your class to give a ten minute presentation"? My answer to that is yes, and I hated it just as much this time. The only difference was, this time I got paid to be there, and I had a paper tablecloth that I could doodle on instead of listening to the lecture. It DID make quite a difference.
Weak, Steve, weak. You remain unredeemed.
02/17/2004 06:53:22 PM
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM
I prefer being unredeemed. All the cool kids are doing it.
02/17/2004 07:46:12 PM
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM
Kim was obviously a peer mediator (sorry Kim). And Stevie, was the tablecloth really worth the added 50 minutes of lecture time In 9th grade it was better than class.
02/17/2004 08:10:46 PM
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM
You make a good point, but you don't understand just how much fun I had drawing on this tablecloth...
02/17/2004 08:23:02 PM
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM
I actually WAS a peer mediator, though I was never "called in" to actually mediate any peers. All that training for naught.
02/17/2004 08:44:59 PM
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM
EXCUSE ME. PLEASE RECALL MY MAJOR. You have made me sad.
02/17/2004 10:29:33 PM
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM
In honor of being fair (not that I think anyone cares), I was a peer educator and I do like that stuff, so I sympathize with E, who you have snubbed and have made look like an absolute loser (hang in there kiddo!). Though she may be a loser, it is not because she peer-mediated. On the other hand, I have had my own fair share of fun with paper tablecloths, so Steve's argument is validated as well. E has actually been to this place. It's called Painters and we sit there and draw with crayons on the brown paper tablecloths. And even though we are at a bar, it brings out the child in us. Even though children should not be at a bar. And when we get really frisky we melt the candles in the candle flame. Children shouldn't play with fire either. I'm calling CPS on me.
02/17/2004 10:51:31 PM
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM
What was that all about? Also, E, please recall my major, too. Mine is so pathetic, I can make fun of anything I want free of impunity.
02/17/2004 10:55:02 PM
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM
You complain about the lack of comments, so I comment and then you comment on my comment. NO COMMENT!
02/17/2004 11:22:06 PM
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM
Thanks for standing up for me. I was referring to my actual concentration being entitled CONFLICT & MEDIATION. Proving I am a complete and total nerd.
02/18/2004 01:53:04 PM
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM
Hey Nerds, all of you, settle down or Ms. Meehan is going to call a Time Out.
That's right. A major in Staying in the Lines Coloring is the Ultimate.
02/19/2004 07:04:14 PM
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM
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