A Few Reasons I Never Blog Anymore
- I no longer feel a need to. Not that I ever really felt a need to, but at one point, I liked being "the funny guy," and really wanted everyone to know just how funny I was. Now I'm (for the most part) past that.
- I'm pretty convinced that everyone who may have been reading it in it's heyday (about two and a half years ago at this point, sadly) has long since moved on to better, more interesting stuff.
- MySpace. I spend all day when I'm bored at work on there now instead.
- I've discovered the joys of diet soda. While this SEEMS unrelated, I sort of feel like it was a necessary step in the process of "growing up." I see blogging as something I did in college, and I want to give up some of the "immature college things" I did during those years. I've stopped smoking pot (well, for the most part), I don't wear cargo pants, I don't listen to "jam bands," and I read novels that were written by people other than Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I guess I'm trying to force myself down the path of maturity, since I can't get there naturally.
- An utter lack of things to say. I used to see something funny and think "man, this would make a great blog!" Now, I say "man, that was sure funny." I don't know when I reached this existential plane of thought where instead of extrapolating any idea or feeling from an event, I see solely the event for what it is, and think nothing further of it. I don't really like it.
A Few False Reasons Why I Never Blog Anymore
- I am keeping a secret journal. This is simply not true. It's a diary, and I don't want the world to know who I'm crushing on, or what my co-workers say about me, or what I had for dinner. That's private!
- I don't have internet access. In fact, I actually have too much internet access. If I haven't responded to an e-mail you've sent me within, oh let's say twenty minutes, you should call the police. I'm probably in trouble.
P.S. Some of this makes no sense. Sorry.
- I'm pretty convinced that everyone who may have been reading it in it's heyday (about two and a half years ago at this point, sadly) has long since moved on to better, more interesting stuff.
- MySpace. I spend all day when I'm bored at work on there now instead.
- I've discovered the joys of diet soda. While this SEEMS unrelated, I sort of feel like it was a necessary step in the process of "growing up." I see blogging as something I did in college, and I want to give up some of the "immature college things" I did during those years. I've stopped smoking pot (well, for the most part), I don't wear cargo pants, I don't listen to "jam bands," and I read novels that were written by people other than Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I guess I'm trying to force myself down the path of maturity, since I can't get there naturally.
- An utter lack of things to say. I used to see something funny and think "man, this would make a great blog!" Now, I say "man, that was sure funny." I don't know when I reached this existential plane of thought where instead of extrapolating any idea or feeling from an event, I see solely the event for what it is, and think nothing further of it. I don't really like it.
A Few False Reasons Why I Never Blog Anymore
- I am keeping a secret journal. This is simply not true. It's a diary, and I don't want the world to know who I'm crushing on, or what my co-workers say about me, or what I had for dinner. That's private!
- I don't have internet access. In fact, I actually have too much internet access. If I haven't responded to an e-mail you've sent me within, oh let's say twenty minutes, you should call the police. I'm probably in trouble.
P.S. Some of this makes no sense. Sorry.
hey, make that two.
matt, at 8:18 AM
Nice! You guys rule!
Steve, at 10:29 AM
I still web-stalk you!
Hot Pocket, at 12:48 PM
I still check in every day for updates.
Brian McCloskey, at 3:06 PM
Dude, I cometh back. Imagine my surprise to find two (2!) entries since the Boehner incident of yore. I've been a victim of Blogger's Apathy many times myself, but I usually get the itch again after a month or two of too few posts. In the words of the second-person, non-committal terminator*: You may be back.
*I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Anonymous, at 4:46 PM
You guys are proof that I need to add "check blogs" back to my daily internet schedule. Sorry I've been away. It won't happen again.
Steve, at 4:56 PM
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