I've been at work for almost forty minutes already, which I find hard to believe, since I've done absolutely nothing. Today is shaping up to be one of those days where I do nothing but browse the internet and eat leftover snacks from the temple youth group all day. Those are the best, because they remind me the most of what it's like to be home for the day. Except the snacks at home are almost exclusively made by sweet, sweet, Little Debbie, and here they are mostly Bachman pretzels, which are only pretzels in the loosest definition, being "sticks of baked dough covered in salt", and not "sticks of baked dough covered in salt that taste good by any stretch of the imagination". Seriously, how does one brand of pretzel manage to tower over all of its competitors in terms of sheer tastelessness? I've gotten my tongue stuck to flagpoles in the winter that taste better than those pretzels, and probably had less sodium.
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