Glitter Phobia
I've mentioned this before on my site, but what's the big deal about glitter? Do people really think it's sexy to look like you just rolled around in a stack of arts and craft supplies? I don't understand the appeal. If I see a girl wearing glitter, I immediately think that she either works with children, or is covered in sand. Those are the only two explanations my rational brain can come up with.
Steve, I have not been able to appreciate your recent comments like normal. They have not been producing the coversation that ones in the past have provoked. Could you work on that please?
Your loving roomate, E.
01/23/2004 12:07:46 PM
Anonymous, at 2:36 PM
I'll get right on that. And by "I'll get" I mean "you can". And by "right on that", I mean "bite me".
Your loving roommate, S.
01/23/2004 01:38:20 PM
Anonymous, at 2:36 PM
Glitter makes me think of Mariah Carey.
01/23/2004 03:06:34 PM
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
I'm glad we have that cleared up.
Oh, Cait, I'm concerned. That movie frightened me.
01/23/2004 03:13:04 PM
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
Elizabeth, points for:
a. seeing it.
b. admitting it.
You are truly brave!
01/23/2004 03:35:13 PM
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
i seriously do have a glitter phobia and its really not funny id rather be covered in stinging bees or biting spiders than glitter. no1 appreciates it tho!!
02/09/2004 11:30:34 AM
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
my kids laugh at me! mt friends think its funny!
i also hate glitter,its not the big christmassy stuff its the micro glitter you get in make-up when i get it on my hands or face i panic and wash in a compulsive dissorder type of way.i don't know why this happens it just does .i suppose to my friends it must be amuseing as i am 6"2' tall biker with 7 years martial arts training, i would much rarther face 10 armed men than one speck of that evil i do know how you feel.i somtimes feel silly but its my only phobia and i have to live with it but it makes me feel less freakish knowing im not alone .ps do you know what it is called ? i have looked but cant find out!!!!! spakleyphobia????
03/15/2004 08:38:26 AM
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
i want 2 b afraind of glitter can sum1 tell me how plz thanx luv J
06/22/2004 06:39:03 AM
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
oh my gosh! kingsley, you make me feel so much better! i have this really wierd shimmer phobia too! it is only the small tiny stuff that i hate. basically it isnt that i hate glitter, i just hate that i cant get it off. i think it would be the same problem for anything that just spreads and never comes off! but seirously i have to like look at makeup with a magnifying glass, it isnt normal!
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM
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