Strep Throat
I've had a pretty persistent sore throat for about a week now, so at 5 pm I'm going in for a strep test. I doubt anyone knows this, but getting a strep test is probably the highest thing up on my "dreaded events" list. I'm scared to death of them, for some reason, even though I've had a fair share in my life. One time, as a kid, I ran around the doctor's office hiding when the doctor came at me with that long cotton swab, and my mom had to hold me down for them to get it in my throat.
Suffice it to say, I'm not looking forward to this one bit.
Suffice it to say, I'm not looking forward to this one bit.
I have two responses to this:
1) I used to clamp my teeth down and not allow the doctor to even get near my throat with that swab. Then, one day, the fear clicked off and now I have no problem with it.
2) You mofo! You can't be sick for tomorrow!
01/17/2004 03:57:51 PM
Anonymous, at 1:38 PM
Sophomore year we both thought we had strep and I remember you telling me that story. That year was my first experience with the strep test, too.
Anonymous, at 1:38 PM
The test was negative. Turns out I just have an infection. Good news for anyone coming tomorrow to spend a day doing cool things in the DC area. Turns out the test wasn't nearly as frightening as I remember this time. I'm in the same boat as you, AJ. I'm no longer scared. Huzzah!
01/17/2004 07:18:50 PM
Anonymous, at 1:38 PM
I'm AJ's Mom, and I remember holding him down to get the test done. I'm glad that he's an adult now and has to go to the doctor's office by himself. Also, just wanted to let you know that a strep culture is not too bad; much better than a liver biopsy or something like that(I'm a nurse).
01/17/2004 09:22:49 PM
Anonymous, at 1:38 PM
I don't know what a liver biopsy is, but it sounds scary. If it involves swabbing my liver, I'm out. I'd get woozy.
01/18/2004 12:59:36 AM
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM
Whenever I have to get a throat culture I am reminded of the same story (like on your birthday when your parents go, "Oh, I remember the day you were born..."-gag!-no pun intended). As it goes, once when I was little I actually pushed the doctor's hand out of my throat. Luckily, I am fine, but seriosuly-how dangerous could that have been? A few potential problems-I could have had a long wooden stick stuck down my throat-causing many a social problem as well as the occasional splinter in my larynx. OR I could have swallowed it and be crapping out cotton and wood chips for days. So, a word of wisdom-just let the doctor do his/her thing. Oh, and what about tounge depressers? I drew my line there. They knew. I neevr let one ever get close to me. Serioualy, Satan makes those bad boys in his factory in Hell.
01/18/2004 09:53:20 PM
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM
Poor Pup. Feel better!
Pop quiz: When was the first time I ever got strep throat?
01/18/2004 10:27:27 PM
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM
Sophomore year? That seems like a safe bet.
01/18/2004 11:35:58 PM
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM
It was at your house, Junior Year, the morning after the Weezer show.
Your house breeds infection.
OH my gosh, I'm sorry, that was a horrible thing to say.
01/19/2004 11:37:43 PM
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM
It's true. We have a greenhouse where we brew toxic air. It came attached to the basement when we bought this place.
01/20/2004 09:39:39 AM
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM
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