Shoulda Said

Friday, January 09, 2004

Calculator Fun!

Complete Sentences You Can Form with an Upside-Down Calculator:
- Gosh, I blog libel.
- Leo, soil his leg.
- I hose bogies.
- His leg boil is so big.
- Bob loses shoes.
- Ehh, I'll go gob loogies.
- His boss is so hoggish.
- I see loose belles.
- He hoes his soil.
- Sigh, Hell is so big.
- Go boogie, Lois.
- She's so high. (extra credit for being a song title, too)
- Oil is his boss. (this one goes out to George W. Bush)
- I beg so I see big boobies.

This entry is irrefutable proof that I'm a complete and utter nerd.


  • Oh! G Dub, you just got Punk'd! Where's Ashton?
    01/09/2004 12:54:39 PM

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:02 PM  

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