No Clue
No idea what we're doing today. Cait and Shane are going to get their hair cut together (snicker), so I have some time to kill. Other than that, we may go to a children's museum or an aquarium, and we'll probably walk along Lake Shore Drive, which is the boardwalk along Lake Michigan. It's likefifty degrees here, so it's beautiful. I was definitely expecting icy cold weather, as evidenced by the layers I packed, but this is great. I can't wait to live here.
Hootie hoo.
01/03/2004 03:19:09 PM
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
um...i will be there tomorrow, and i heard it was 20 degrees there...say it aint so as i have been in 70 degree RIC weatha foreva! sorry to miss ya, love to love ya, steve, i cant wait til you live there either!
01/04/2004 03:33:05 AM
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
There was no need to snicker. Hair cutting is serious business.
01/04/2004 11:06:07 PM
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
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