Guess Where I Am?
Actually, the category for this entry sort of gives it away. I'm posting this one directly from Shane's computer in Lincoln Park, Chicago. Hott.
For those of you who were with us last time, Cait and I are continuing the journal, with new colored pens and a few new writers. Be excited.
For those of you who were not with us last time, sorry. You probably didn't understand that last bit about the journal.
For those of you who were not with us last time, but understood the bit about the journal, well, pin a rose on your nose.
For those of you with roses pinned to your nose, does that hurt? Because it seems like it would.
For those of you who were with us last time, Cait and I are continuing the journal, with new colored pens and a few new writers. Be excited.
For those of you who were not with us last time, sorry. You probably didn't understand that last bit about the journal.
For those of you who were not with us last time, but understood the bit about the journal, well, pin a rose on your nose.
For those of you with roses pinned to your nose, does that hurt? Because it seems like it would.
Another great things about good ole Steve-O. He goes on "vacation" to other states and still doesn't miss a day of a entries. :)
01/02/2004 02:04:31 PM
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM
I'm sorry, but I don't have any roses. Mail me one?
01/02/2004 08:43:01 PM
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
Note in the journal that not only am I jealous, but also, a little ditched...that's right. There are some things that are just too perfect to add on to. That would be like White Snake adding a member or milk chocolate adding a flavor enhancer. Let's not guild a proverbial lilly here.
01/03/2004 12:41:10 AM
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
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