Layover MADNESS!!!
So Cait and I got to O'Hare with plenty of time to spare today. Unfortunately, Chicago weather finally kicked in and we got a fair amount of snow. This inevitably delayed my flight two hours, causing me to miss my connection in Dayton, Ohio, which leads up to now, where I'm stranded at the Dayton airport for another two and a half hours until my next flight. This airport possibly sucks more ball than any other airport I have ever been in, but they DO have this terminal with FREE internet access, albeit also with a fuzzy screen, a 98 percent non-functioning keyboard, and a funny smell. Hopefully my flight will come sooner than expected, but in the past ten minutes, it's already been delayed twice, so I doubt that. But seriously, there's not even a magazine store here. How lame is THAT?!
It's 7:20 now, and the flight has been delayed a total of eight times, and it's now expected to come at 8. On the plus side, I DID find a magazine store. That's a REALLY weak plus side.
It's 7:20 now, and the flight has been delayed a total of eight times, and it's now expected to come at 8. On the plus side, I DID find a magazine store. That's a REALLY weak plus side.
tell me about it. my flight was delayed also. (flight- n. The act or an instance of running away; an escape) Drove through every possible type of crap weather, from snow to slush to whipping rain to fog to tumbleweeds. And I just got in, at 7 in the morning. At least you got back before I did, although since you left earlier it might have conceivably taken the same amount of time...
01/05/2004 06:59:35 AM
Anonymous, at 5:48 PM
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