Don't Wake Me, I Plan on Sleeping In
One of my least favorite things about the "real world", as it were, is the neccessity of things to start before 10 am, which is about as early as I can get up and still function properly. I'm a late night kind of guy, so I never go to sleep before at LEAST midnight (I don't want to miss Futurama reruns). Getting six and a half hours of sleep is fine every once in a while, but it's probably not healthy for me to have been doing it for the past nine months straight. I can't even sleep in on weekends anymore like I used to do. My internal clock wakes me up by 9:30 or 10 at the latest, and I have to tire myself out again before I can finish getting my good night's rest. It's a shame, really, that I might have to start going to bed earlier, because I always feel like I'm missing out on stuff that happens between 10-12, even though I know, from experience, that nothing is happening at all.
i too felt that the world had little to offer before 10am, but now i have noticed that the world has less to offer after 11pm, making a 7/8am wake up do-able. there is noting to night life but reruns, smoke filled bars, and day-time fatiuge. beside that, i now have what i like to call the "work-curse," the inability to sleep past the time my alarm goes off in the morning on the weekdays, even if the alarm is off on the weekends. oh well.
03/12/2004 03:38:32 PM
Anonymous, at 1:04 PM
i work 2pm-10pm. i like it but as i've gotten older, it's become more annoying. but as you say, i have gotten used to the nightlife. i often stay up until midnight or even 1 am and sleep until 8 or 8:30.
03/12/2004 04:29:37 PM
Anonymous, at 1:04 PM
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