Just Wondering
Do you ever wake up and feel like you've been beaten all night with a whiffle ball bat? This morning, I just feel sort of sore all over my body, but for no apparent reason. And it's not the intense sort of sore you get after a good workout or vigorously scrubbing the blood out of a light-colored carpet, it's just a dull ache. As far as I can tell, yesterday's rigorous schedule of A.) watching television, and B.) sitting down had no potential to do me harm, so it must be something else. My first guess would be my kickboxing classes, but I feel like I've gone past the "painful soreness" stage into the "gasping for breath but doing all right" stage. My only other attempt at understanding this is that I am getting sick, but I have absolutely no other symptoms. Unless this is some sort of new sickness that only brings about achiness, in which case, I won't really miss dripping snot or raging fever dreams, but I don't really buy that either. Can anyone explain my rampant minor aches and pains? I'll bake you cookies. And I guarantee you that magic (be it dark or otherwise) is NOT the cause this time, so we can just rule that one out early in the game.
ooh, i have a wicked case of strept, maybe you've caught some bizarre strain of it from me.
completely unrelated, do you want to see the president tomorrow? i know you're a die-hard liberal, but it would make for a good journal entry, at least. call my cell pronto!
03/15/2004 10:07:29 AM
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM
What do you mean by "see the president"? If it involves shaking his hands in a photo opportunity that I could then make fun of on the world wide web, then yes.
03/15/2004 10:33:44 AM
Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
well, there's always chronic fatigue syndrome. of course, it's pretty hard to diagnose so you won't know unless (or until) your symptoms last for a fortnight or two.
03/15/2004 12:41:22 PM
Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
It's the weather, you're getting old.
03/15/2004 01:41:45 PM
Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
I don't think it's anything ending in "syndrome". It's much more likely it's something ending with "stop whining, Steve"...
03/15/2004 02:28:00 PM
Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
I noticed that it feels like I ran a marathon yesterday. However, I did not. I did walk around and had a fitful night of sleep. I often feel ache-y if I haven't slept well.
So, "stop whining, Steve."
03/15/2004 03:07:58 PM
Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
My suggestion is still the best. Can I have cookies now?
03/15/2004 09:12:39 PM
Anonymous, at 1:09 PM
Yep. Virtual cookies.
03/15/2004 09:33:06 PM
Anonymous, at 1:09 PM
Actually...it MAY have something to do with the curse I told the Leprechauns to put on you. I have one living under my pillow and apparently they like to curse people as a St. Patrick's Day prank. Kinda like "April Fools" only more painful and full of evil.
03/16/2004 06:54:39 AM
Anonymous, at 1:09 PM
Ha ha, that reminds me of those stupid old Leprechaun horror movies. Nothing screams "scary" to me like a little imp in a tailored green felt suit.
03/16/2004 09:40:23 AM
Anonymous, at 1:09 PM
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
Also, T is for Tuberculosis. Which I hope you don't have.
03/21/2004 12:59:29 AM
Anonymous, at 1:10 PM
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