Personal Anecdotes
I wish that I could write about more personal anecdotes on this site, rather than the usual mindless claptrap I spew, but the thing is this: I don't have any personal anecdotes to tell. I have no life in northern Virginia, as this area classifies as boredom central. It's far enough away from the city that it's a real schlep to get in there, and it's got just enough stuff in it to keep you from moving away. I think I've decided I'm pretty sick of suburbia though, and I'm ready to move on to Chicago. Only five (five, Dan?) months to go until that happens. Hopefully, at that point, if I'm still posting and I can afford hosting (and chestnuts over an open fire are roasting), my life will pick up and I'll have interesting things to write about. Until then, bear with me as I meander on incessantly about completely and udderly inane things.
Steve, your last sentence made me realize that you don't write nearly enough about cattle mammaries. Get on that?
02/05/2004 08:12:13 PM
Anonymous, at 5:24 PM
Whoa, good catch AJ. I'd fix that, but that's too much hassle. I guess I will just leave that typo in all its milky sweetness.
02/05/2004 09:18:40 PM
Anonymous, at 5:24 PM
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