"The safe and sterile times seemed to require sick jokes about death and suffering, and Tarantino offered a walk on the wild side. That era ended on September 11, 2001. "
I read this sentence in a review of Kill Bill Volume 1 which, for my money, is one of the coolest movies I've ever seen. I don't really feel like writing a review of the movie, but suffice it to say that it is utterly awesome, so long as you can enjoy style over substance. Not that the plot is poor (it's your basic revenge plot), but the way it is told is something I don't think I've ever seen before. I was seriously blown away. There is no point in the entire movie where your jaw isn't on the floor, and you're not saying "this is the most awesome thing I've ever seen". Okay, I guess I am going to write about the movie. So sue me.
Anyway, about that sentence. What the hell is that supposed to mean? All of the sudden, now that 9/11 has happened, we can't have black humor? That's bullshit. Just because there are some people out there who don't like to be made uncomfortable, don't go and ruin it for everyone else. I personally like it when a movie makes me feel something other than happy or sad. Every once in a while, I like a movie that makes me squirm because of touchy subject matter, or grimace because of realistic or excessive violence. It proves to me that there is more to moviemaking than just cheap emotion and laughter. If movies were just about going for what's easy, well, then, they would be TV. Luckily, movies don't have to deal with ratings and worrying about advertisers and all that crap, so they can get away with most of what they want, and I think most people would like to keep it that way.
I'm sorry that there are people out there who believe that 9/11 should have made us more aware of how real death can be. I don't happen to agree with that. Those same people who believe this tote bumper stickers with slogans like "Proud to live in the land of the free". All the movie studios are doing is exercising this freedom. Put up or shut up, SUV owner.

Anyway, about that sentence. What the hell is that supposed to mean? All of the sudden, now that 9/11 has happened, we can't have black humor? That's bullshit. Just because there are some people out there who don't like to be made uncomfortable, don't go and ruin it for everyone else. I personally like it when a movie makes me feel something other than happy or sad. Every once in a while, I like a movie that makes me squirm because of touchy subject matter, or grimace because of realistic or excessive violence. It proves to me that there is more to moviemaking than just cheap emotion and laughter. If movies were just about going for what's easy, well, then, they would be TV. Luckily, movies don't have to deal with ratings and worrying about advertisers and all that crap, so they can get away with most of what they want, and I think most people would like to keep it that way.
I'm sorry that there are people out there who believe that 9/11 should have made us more aware of how real death can be. I don't happen to agree with that. Those same people who believe this tote bumper stickers with slogans like "Proud to live in the land of the free". All the movie studios are doing is exercising this freedom. Put up or shut up, SUV owner.
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