guaranteed 10-14" overnight!
Seriously, how many sad chumps are there in the world who fall for this? I mean, how utterly devoid of length does your penis need to be for you to volunteer for the kind of enhancement surgery these guys are probably pushing? Short of grafting another guy's dick to the end of yours, I can't think of a way this could work, and seriously, you'd have to be either really deranged or really small in the package department to volunteer for something like that.
The same goes for the Viagra spam (this sounds like some kind of old pervert aphrodisiac). Who in their right mind would buy erectile dysfunction medicine from an e-mail where every other word has added and altogether unneeded letters? If the subject line goes something like "guysz wwant too lasts ALLL NIGHTZ", don't buy drugs from the sender. It's as easy as that. Whether it's pot, heroin, Viagra, or fucking aspirin, your best bet is to stay away from someone who writes like that.
The same goes for the Viagra spam (this sounds like some kind of old pervert aphrodisiac). Who in their right mind would buy erectile dysfunction medicine from an e-mail where every other word has added and altogether unneeded letters? If the subject line goes something like "guysz wwant too lasts ALLL NIGHTZ", don't buy drugs from the sender. It's as easy as that. Whether it's pot, heroin, Viagra, or fucking aspirin, your best bet is to stay away from someone who writes like that.
Maybe the people who send out those emails are typing them with their 10-14 inch penis. Cause I mean... then you have to give them props. I would imagine something that large would be rather hard to control.
11/11/2003 10:54:41 AM
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM
It is. Believe me.
11/11/2003 01:39:55 PM
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM
Haha.. that is WAY more information than I ever needed to know....
And on a *completely* unrelated note... How YOU doin? ;c)
11/11/2003 05:28:24 PM
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM
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