A Day Full of Awesome
Man. I need more days like today. Return of the King, as promised, kicked more ass than a room full of ninjas. And not just your average ninjas, but ninjas with Nerf guns. Carbon Leaf was also awesome, both nights. I'm sure Doug will put up the set list on his site, so I won't, but suffice it to say, it was indeed enjoyable. I hope everyone else's day was at least half as good as mine, because the world would be full of happy people right now.
"Don't you want to read Steve's entry, Pee Wee?"
"I don't need to read it Dottie. I lived it."
12/17/2003 11:54:15 PM
Anonymous, at 4:57 PM
Two things:
The set lists are now up on my site (click douggystyle on sidebar, all you Steve readers)
So, being in the room when Steve wrote this post, he didn't know what category to put it in. Movies? Music? So he made a new category. That's the power of having your own website, and I got to behold it firsthand.
12/18/2003 02:08:12 PM
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM
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