The Grammys
I didn't watch the Grammys last night. I tend not to watch any awards shows, because it's much less annoying to just catch the results online the next day. However, I'd like to have seen the acceptance speech given by Weird Al Yankovic for best comedy album. Not so much for the speech, since I can't imagine it was good, but rather because I'd like to have seen the embarrassment on the faces of all those involved in the Grammy organization when the camera panned around the auditorium. I bet it was pretty apparent.
Also, since when does Weird Al win Grammys? What's the deal, recording industry? Would Gallagher not return your phone calls?

Also, since when does Weird Al win Grammys? What's the deal, recording industry? Would Gallagher not return your phone calls?

2 months til my birthday.
02/09/2004 01:52:14 PM
Anonymous, at 5:36 PM
After Janet's boob, Britney's record short marriage, Carmen Electras wedding pictures naked in a morgue, and Bennifer (need I say more??) pickins were slim for the grammys this year.
p.s. E, that's totally irrelevant. :)
02/09/2004 06:11:35 PM
Anonymous, at 5:36 PM
Actually, I was using the Grammys as a subtle pretext for getting Elizabeth to admit her birthday for the whole world to see. And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling roommate and your no-good pit bull.
02/09/2004 06:16:16 PM
Anonymous, at 5:36 PM
Yeah, well, two months and sixteen days till MY birthday. When you're 22 you get a free house, right?
02/09/2004 07:19:42 PM
Anonymous, at 5:36 PM
Nah thats just a rumor they tell 21 year olds so they dont drink too much and live to see 22. And this meddling roommates pit bull will eat you for lunch.
02/09/2004 08:05:44 PM
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM
I got a free house at 22. Looks like the only one here who HASN'T received a free house when they turned 22 is you, Gillian.
02/09/2004 08:21:14 PM
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM
Thats cause I didnt move back in with mommy.
02/09/2004 09:03:32 PM
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM
Zing! Touche.
How's it feel to be paying all those bills this year?
02/09/2004 09:05:59 PM
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM
Oooh, this brings me back to our roommate times like Scattegories, Trivial Pursuit, and movies like The Shining...which highlights include "orgasms, Valley of the Dolls, and squirrels giving blow jobs", we are a dysfunctional bunch.
02/09/2004 09:33:19 PM
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
HA! See what I started? I'm brillant and caused an online family reunion. My birthday is important... and it's 1 month, 11 days til Kim's birthday, 4 months, 7 days til Gilli's and sorry Steve you are the baby and I can't do that kind of math. :)
02/09/2004 09:57:08 PM
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
Six months and twenty days. I'm a human calculator!
02/09/2004 10:08:46 PM
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
Gill - How could I let this opportunity slide from E's last entry. "...which, if I do the math, may not be possible." HAHAHA. Thanks for the b-day shout-out, E. Ya'll are more than welcome to hitch a ride the weekend before my birthday and celebrate with me. And speaking of quotes from famed TV personalities, E - how's Tommy B?
02/09/2004 10:17:50 PM
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
Sorry Kim, I had to clean that up a little. I try to keep this site typo-free, for the children.
02/09/2004 10:27:08 PM
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM
Oh, Tommy B... he was hanging out in Iraq yesterday morning when I saw him on the Today Show. Too bad the man drives me nuts and I avoid watching him on the nightly news.
My fear is that due to the competitiveness of the Democratic Primaries he may go missing and be found in a field drinking "milk".
To everyone else, I apologize for this comment, as I rarely say anything of use and this is about something Kim and I experienced sophomore year in Bell Hall.
02/10/2004 10:02:06 AM
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM
Question-if we're all on here at the same time, does that overlap with the kitchen rule? Do the four of us have to take a shot now?
P.S.-Sorry, Grammar Steve.
02/10/2004 02:01:32 PM
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM
I say we leave that decision to the resident alchy.... Gillian? ;)
02/10/2004 02:13:26 PM
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM
Wait, I don't get a say in this?
Probably not.
02/10/2004 02:19:32 PM
Anonymous, at 5:40 PM
Run, Pheasants, RUNNNNNNNNNNN!
02/10/2004 03:06:01 PM
Anonymous, at 5:40 PM
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