Movie Trailers
A few things worth noting:
- How is it that the same guy voices over the trailer of every single movie that comes out? I wonder who he is, and how he got that job. He's probably busy.
- No matter what the movie is, there is always a tag line that flashes across the screen one word at a time. Hasn't this become just a tad cheesy by this point? Come up with a new gimmick, Hollywood.
- Don't make teaser trailers for shitty movies. If you know no one is going to watch your crap, save us the trouble and show the big surprise ending in the trailer. At least that way, we get to see the best bits. You're not teasing me by only giving me little pieces of Garfield: The Movie.
- How is it that the same guy voices over the trailer of every single movie that comes out? I wonder who he is, and how he got that job. He's probably busy.
- No matter what the movie is, there is always a tag line that flashes across the screen one word at a time. Hasn't this become just a tad cheesy by this point? Come up with a new gimmick, Hollywood.
- Don't make teaser trailers for shitty movies. If you know no one is going to watch your crap, save us the trouble and show the big surprise ending in the trailer. At least that way, we get to see the best bits. You're not teasing me by only giving me little pieces of Garfield: The Movie.
I once saw a TV show that featured a spot on the Trailer Voice Guy. Apparently he's such a fixture now, and so obviously important to the success of a trailer, that he lives very nicely on the money he makes for the trailers. He rides to and from a recording studio once a week in a limo and works for like 20 minutes recording whatever work they need.
Yeah, I hate this motherfucker too.
03/18/2004 12:04:17 PM
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM
Garfield was cool as a comic strip (back when we were in 5th grade) and even on his cartoon show. He had a great voice. And I particularly loved the A Garfield Christmas special. I object, however, to digitally animated cartoon characters "Just Because We Can". I'm willing to picket. I might need some helpers.
03/21/2004 12:51:50 AM
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM
Right. Some thing should be left un-CGI'd. Like Garfield. And Snuffy, or whatever that stupid back page comic was. And while we're at it, let's leave Mary Worth off the big screen altogether, CGI or otherwise.
03/21/2004 01:46:46 AM
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM
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