Most days I have something at least remotely interesting to say here. Today, I don't. I've been at work for an hour now, and I've already finished everything I need to do for the day. This has had the unwanted side effect of sucking the will to live out of my body. I'm just a decrepit husk of a man, staring off into oblivion, sitting in my sweltering office waiting for the Grim Reaper to whisk me away on his magical ethereal chariot. It's like when you used to take a test in high school, and you finished WAY before everyone else, but you still had to sit there with your head down until everyone else in the class finished and the bell rang.
I just want the damn bell to ring.
I just want the damn bell to ring.
I wish I could express mail you my work. You should take up whitteling. Not only would you have something constructive to do during the day, but you could thrill and chill coworkers with your ability to hand-carve figurines of farm animals or chess pieces or deceased dictators or whatever sets your heart aflutter.
03/19/2004 10:30:12 AM
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
You mean to say you aren't writing the Great American Novel in your spare time?!
03/19/2004 11:34:54 AM
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
Nah. That's been written. It was a harlequin romance, oddly enough. The only ones that are still unclaimed are the Great Romanian Novel and the Great Isle of Man Novel, and I don't speak Romanian or...Islese.
03/19/2004 11:37:13 AM
Anonymous, at 1:21 PM
Work has been slow for me too, Steve.
Perhaps you need more Panera?
03/19/2004 04:46:49 PM
Anonymous, at 1:21 PM
I bet you WERE the first one finished with your tests, Puppa. I hate you and I hate your ass brain.
03/21/2004 12:48:12 AM
Anonymous, at 1:21 PM
Not really.
03/21/2004 12:48:42 AM
Anonymous, at 1:22 PM
Not really what?
03/21/2004 01:48:40 AM
Anonymous, at 1:22 PM
To get to the other side.
03/22/2004 07:53:23 PM
Anonymous, at 1:23 PM
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