Hellboy? Hell yes.
I saw Hellboy today. I want to start off by saying that anyone who does not enjoy big-budget superhero movies with 1% realism factors will hate this movie. However, for those of us who DO love those kind of movies, this is pure cinematic gold. It has just about everything you can want from a good mindless blockbuster: evil Nazis, devil spawn, thin plots, unexplained characters, Rasputin, zombies. You name it, it's there. It felt like they tried to cram every plot in the history of action movies into one film, and I appreciated that. Ron Perlman was awesome as Hellboy, a superhero who has no apparent powers other than being big, fireproof, and able to spout one-liners at an alarming rate. There was also (and these are the names we gave them, because they were better than the real names) Fish Man, Fire Girl, and Geeky Dude. Add all this together, and you get one awesome movie. I'll probably go see it again, or buy it on DVD. Go check it out if you're in the mood for a fun movie.
I'm painfully on the fence about this movie. I mean, I'd hate to miss a comic book movie at all, but I did eventually rent "Daredevil" and it still hurts.
Steve, on a scale from 1 to Tubular, what would you rate this movie?
04/05/2004 09:24:22 AM
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
On the above scale, I would agree and would place Daredevil at the 1 end of the scale. If we're going to say a piece of superhero genius, like X2, occupies the Tubular (10) end of the scale, I'd easily give Hellboy a 6 or a 7. This makes it not as good as X-Men or Spider-Man, but WAY better than The Hulk, Daredevil, or any of the Batman movies that were not the first one. I'd put it about par with the Blade movies in terms of awesomeness.
04/05/2004 09:54:38 AM
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
6 or a 7, eh? So, being that Hellboy is ranked at the Stoked level, I'd feel safe in waiting for the rental. Unless of course, it's shown at the drive-in this spring.
04/05/2004 10:06:24 AM
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
It's a safe rental, but I've always been of the mindset that big action films require the big screen. Personal preference, really.
04/05/2004 10:41:05 AM
Anonymous, at 10:55 AM
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