I forgot to eat breakfast at the house this morning. Instead of going hungry, I searched the freezer here, and found an ice-covered generic brand hot pocket in the very back with no markings on it. I made it. It turned out to be a steak and cheese pouch, and now I am full. I get a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever a story like this has a happy ending. At least, I hope it's from the story, and not food poisoning. Does food poisoning feel fuzzy?
Mmmmmm...fuzzy mold.
04/02/2004 10:24:44 AM
Anonymous, at 1:44 PM
no, food poisoning feels like death.
04/02/2004 10:39:06 AM
Anonymous, at 1:44 PM
Fuzzy death? Say, perhaps, you were being killed by teddy bears. Would that feel like food poisoning?
04/02/2004 10:54:27 AM
Anonymous, at 1:44 PM
food poisoning tickles.
well, at least it does right before your digestive track turns itself inside out and sends you into convulsions.
but steak and cheese pouches are totally worth that. so congrats on your recent find and your upcoming tremors.
04/02/2004 10:56:08 AM
Anonymous, at 1:45 PM
If cute little teddy bears were accidentally ingested, and then staged a bloody and violent revolution on your innards, resulting in the painful excretion of cotton stuffing and thread from every orifice of your body, that just might qualify as warm fuzzy food poisoning.
04/02/2004 11:02:33 AM
Anonymous, at 1:45 PM
Hey, this sounds awesome! Fortunately, it's been two hours and I feel nary a cramp.
04/02/2004 11:15:45 AM
Anonymous, at 1:45 PM
Sure. That's just what John Hurt's character said in "Alien". And we all know what happened to him, don't we.
04/02/2004 11:39:17 AM
Anonymous, at 1:45 PM
I think it takes 4 hours to really kick in Steve.
:: patiently waits for the cramping party to begin ::
04/02/2004 11:42:17 AM
Anonymous, at 1:46 PM
Cramping Party USA! Fun time central woo! Dance dance boogie down nunchucks! Yeah yeah yeah!
04/02/2004 11:47:01 AM
Anonymous, at 1:46 PM
Let us know when you get that warm, fuzzy "mud butt" feeling.
04/02/2004 12:20:33 PM
Anonymous, at 1:46 PM
Three hours and going strong. Slight cramping action on the left side of my stomach, but that could very easily be due to hunger.
04/02/2004 12:23:52 PM
Anonymous, at 1:46 PM
UPDATE: Just got a free Panera lunch from my office. Fat and sassy; no stomach pains to speak of. All is well in the Steve Gastrointestinal Realm.
04/02/2004 01:22:39 PM
Anonymous, at 1:46 PM
ew and gross.
04/02/2004 01:33:29 PM
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM
Man, this cramping party totally sucks. I'm outta here.
04/02/2004 02:10:26 PM
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM
What about the dancing? And the nunchucks?!
04/02/2004 02:30:28 PM
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM
Yesterday you wrote about Chinese food, and then I had it for dinner and got the same crappy fortune as you. Today you wrote about food poisoning and I mysteriously have had a stomach ache for the past hour. Tomorrow, if you could write about winning the lottery, or being offered a job as the host of a travel show, or getting to the play a lead role in the pirates sequel, I would greatly appreciate it. I'd even let you be my co-host.
04/02/2004 04:02:01 PM
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM
it's spelled nuNchucks?
why have i been misled all these years?
04/02/2004 04:58:38 PM
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM
how did you think it was spelled?
nu chucks?
nun chucks... (think... catholic convent... devoted to martial arts... )
i can relate to his worries.. i found a half eaten bag of pizza bites yesterday in the freezer... which i hadn't seen since september.. before we moved... so naturally i did what every self respecting male would do...
cooked em for a minute thirty and ate every one...
04/02/2004 05:23:36 PM
Anonymous, at 1:49 PM
Oh man, pizza bites are the best, you can't pass them bitches up. I would have done the same thing.
04/02/2004 11:02:56 PM
Anonymous, at 1:49 PM
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