You are here to offer Caitie...what?...a plate of mad cow disease? Caitie-I know he is growing muscles these days and quite the Enrique Iglesias look-a-like, but run... 03/25/2004 02:05:23 PM
A.) It says "...a glimpse of things to come" at the bottom. Did you BOTH miss that?
B.) She's going to Sweden. Ergo, there's a plate of Swedish meatballs in the picture. True, meatballs are "steaming hot cow", but I typically refer to them by their proper name. 03/25/2004 02:45:47 PM
Kim, that is offensive to my Swedish relatives. They are quite obviously Swedish meatballs made by none other than the Swedish Chef. Horrrgy borrgy borrgen. 03/25/2004 03:59:03 PM
You are here to offer Caitie...what?...a plate of mad cow disease? Caitie-I know he is growing muscles these days and quite the Enrique Iglesias look-a-like, but run...
03/25/2004 02:05:23 PM
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
I'm really confused...
that's it... really.
03/25/2004 02:22:43 PM
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
Confused? Did you not see the plate of steaming hot cow on the bottom right that Steve obviously wants Caite to eat?
03/25/2004 02:34:25 PM
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
A.) It says "...a glimpse of things to come" at the bottom. Did you BOTH miss that?
B.) She's going to Sweden. Ergo, there's a plate of Swedish meatballs in the picture. True, meatballs are "steaming hot cow", but I typically refer to them by their proper name.
03/25/2004 02:45:47 PM
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
If I were to start a band, I would definitelt consider "Steaming Hot Cow" for a name.
03/25/2004 03:15:09 PM
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
Kim, that is offensive to my Swedish relatives. They are quite obviously Swedish meatballs made by none other than the Swedish Chef. Horrrgy borrgy borrgen.
03/25/2004 03:59:03 PM
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
Oh Sweet Lord, that is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
03/25/2004 04:26:26 PM
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
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