Son of a bitch!
I just got a speeding ticket, three months before I move. I was going fifteen miles over the limit, and somehow, with wacky Fairfax County court math, that comes out to a $130 fine. It's $5 per mile over, and $55 court fees, regardless of whether or not I go to court. I'm seriously debating not paying this, as I'm not bringing a car to Chicago, and I don't really care what my Virginia driving record looks like once I move. My court date isn't until May, and I really think the worst they can do for you in traffic court is suspend your license, which I'm not going to use anyway. Any thoughts on this, loyal readers?
And another thing: if I go to court, there's an option that I could get the ticket erased, if the cop doesn't show, or that I could get the fines reduced, but there's ALSO a chance that my fines could be up to doubled, and I could have to pay MORE court fees. Since when did the traffic court become fucking Las Vegas? It sucks enough to get pulled over; I don't really want to go double or nothing on my ticket.
And another thing: if I go to court, there's an option that I could get the ticket erased, if the cop doesn't show, or that I could get the fines reduced, but there's ALSO a chance that my fines could be up to doubled, and I could have to pay MORE court fees. Since when did the traffic court become fucking Las Vegas? It sucks enough to get pulled over; I don't really want to go double or nothing on my ticket.
Random aside to make you feel better:
I was trying to find the web site you showed me yesterday and all I found was this:
which I think is ridiculous, but amusing. Enjoy!
03/20/2004 03:03:04 PM
Anonymous, at 1:32 PM
Speaking as the voice of experience here, the judge isn't gonna throw out the ticket. I know it's a lot, but I would suck it up and pay it. Even though you are not bringing a car to Illinois, you will need your ID and an Illinois license if you ever want to drive a friends car or rent one yourself. Sorry babes, but it is but if it makes you feel better, that is 210 dollars less than South Carolina made off my sister and I this summer!
03/20/2004 07:06:32 PM
Anonymous, at 1:32 PM
one of my suitemates at jmu got pulled over once in fairfax county for going 15 miles over the speed limit, and they made her go to jail for the night. while i think you would look super hot in an orange jumpsuit, be glad you didn't spend the weekend telling some snaggly-toothed hooker to stop yelling about her tuna fish sandwich and asking if she could have your leftovers.
03/22/2004 02:50:26 PM
Anonymous, at 1:32 PM
I'm in the suck-it-up-and-pay camp with Gilli. Yeah, it's a lot, but you don't want that kind of thing hanging over you head. Plus, you were speeding, so it's not like some great injustice was done.
Maybe you could got to Panera afterwards and get a nummy sammich to make you feel better. :-D
03/22/2004 07:54:54 PM
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM
I think I might actually go to court and see if I can get it reduced. It can't hurt, I guess. Unless court is a metaphor for "torture room".
03/22/2004 09:34:24 PM
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM
It is.
I have pictures.
03/26/2004 11:53:56 AM
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM
Sexy pictures?
03/26/2004 01:43:53 PM
Anonymous, at 1:37 PM
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