Season Tickets: Pros and Cons
I'm debating buying a Six Flags season pass. It's $58 for the entire 2004 season (regular admission is $33). You get access to all Six Flag parks in the country (there is one near me, and also one near Chicago). You get a coupon book with free tickets for friends and food discounts (only good at the Maryland location). Has anyone had an amusement park season pass before? Are there some cons that I am missing, because otherwise it seems pretty sweet.
I bought a pass to Kings Dominion a few years ago, and it was totally worth it! I went as often as I could, even though I had to drive about an hour to get there. I already liked Kings Dominion, though, so I knew what I was getting into. I'd say do it if you'd go to Six Flags more than twice; it's not worth it, otherwise.
03/29/2004 02:23:15 PM
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
As long as you make a point of it to go to the parks more than twice, you totally get your money's worth. Of course, you have to convinve other folks to go along with you, but if you have free passes for them too, then you're set.
Oh, and you should totally go to Six Flags New England or the one in NJ. Don't know how to get there? Well shoot, I'll drive you, for a slight fee in the form of a free pass, of course.
03/29/2004 02:29:40 PM
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
I went to the NJ Six Flags as a kid, and was absolutely terrified by a stray camel that approached our car and licked our windshield. Someone had just fed it peanut butter, and it smeared all over our windshield like the camel's brains were leaking. We have this moment caught on home video, I believe, and I'm sure upon replay, I'd scream and hide behind the couch. Goddamn zombie dromedaries.
03/29/2004 02:32:13 PM
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
Yeah, that safari is damn scary. Our air conditioner broke when we went years ago, so we had our windows open until a giraffe stuck its big, fat head inside the car. They don't tell you this, but giraffes stink worse than skunks.
Anyway, we rolled our windows up after that and cooked ourselves all the way through the predator section.
03/29/2004 02:50:16 PM
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
SO worth it. I had one last year, and it was great to just be like "Let's go to Six Flags!" several times over the summer. I highly recommend it.
03/29/2004 03:34:13 PM
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
Rock. I think I'm going to do it. It won't be hard to convince people to go with me with the three free passes I'll be getting.
03/29/2004 03:41:40 PM
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
People love it when you bring your girlfriend and make out in all the lines, too. Don't forget your jean cutoff shorts. ;)
03/29/2004 11:10:06 PM
Anonymous, at 2:38 PM
Yuck. I hate those people. They are the same ones who bring Sharpees and declare their love for each other on the walls of bathroom stalls, I think.
03/29/2004 11:12:47 PM
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM
every year the exhusband bought those season passes (we're close to the one in chicago). theres no catch to them, you just need to go a few times to make it worth it. he swore by them. but hes also an idiot...
make sure to take youre fanny pack. lord knows youll look out of place without it. (preferably one with a flouresant hue)
03/30/2004 03:37:20 AM
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM
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