Shoulda Said

Monday, September 29, 2003

I went to Georgetown yesterday, for kicks, with Mandy and Cheryl. It wasn't the most eventful trip, but having not been to Georgetown in some number of years, I did make a few observations:
- after a big rain storm, the canal in Georgetown smells like raw sewage which, I imagine, is unplanned
- there is some type of inverse ratio between the amount of clothing a person wears when they jog and how utterly repulsive they are
- the more expensive a pizza is, the less likely it is that it will A.) have sauce on it, B.) taste like anything resembling food, and C.) not make your breath smell awful
- small used CD stores are only cool if they aren't in trendy areas (unless you want to buy used CDs of Whitney Houston and Chumbawumba)
- if you are driving in front of a lady with a poodle and you hit your brakes for any reason other than the second coming of Christ, you will most likely get honked at (this includes red lights, downed trees, and any other variety of messiah)
- paying $38 for a t-shirt is perfectly alright if the t-shirt is made to look like a thrift store t-shirt from the 80s, and you can't find these t-shirts in actual thrift stores
- chocolate can, and does, cost upwards of $90 a pound in places

Ahh, Georgetown. See you in two or more years, if I really have to.


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