Bloody brilliant!
So it seems that political posts generate more comments...hmm. I'll try my luck for a second day here.
Via Counterspin, I read up on the both the Bush protests in London and the current Medicare fiasco. Both are pretty big. The protests have pulled in an estimated 800,000 (!!) people, and I think that the toppling of the Bush statue is just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life. How much more do people need to protest to get the message across to Americans that every other country hates our president? How, exactly, does Bush feel like he's helping the global community by our continued presence in Iraq? These are open-ended questions for anyone reading this.
The second part, the Medicare thing, that doesn't affect me nearly as much (the Iraq war affects all of us young'uns, seeing as how there's a slight rumbling of Bush reinstating the draft, however speculative it is), but it's still interesting. It seems, and if I'm wrong please correct me, as I get a lot of my news from left-leaning news sources, that the GOP pushed a huge Medicare prescription plan and got the chairman of the AARP to agree to it, even though it's going to gouge seniors price-wise, and now they are touting the fact that the Democrats want to reject the plan, even though it is AARP-approved. Meanwhile, seniors across the country and leaving the AARP in droves and burning their membership cards, disgusted by the plan.
It just seems to me, with all the research showing how influential seniors are in general elections, that this is a dumb idea. Sending through a plan that obviously pisses off a lot of potential voters just to make it seem like the Dems don't want to help them is a bad strategy. I didn't major in poli sci, but this just makes sense to me.
All comments on either issue are welcome :)
Via Counterspin, I read up on the both the Bush protests in London and the current Medicare fiasco. Both are pretty big. The protests have pulled in an estimated 800,000 (!!) people, and I think that the toppling of the Bush statue is just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life. How much more do people need to protest to get the message across to Americans that every other country hates our president? How, exactly, does Bush feel like he's helping the global community by our continued presence in Iraq? These are open-ended questions for anyone reading this.
The second part, the Medicare thing, that doesn't affect me nearly as much (the Iraq war affects all of us young'uns, seeing as how there's a slight rumbling of Bush reinstating the draft, however speculative it is), but it's still interesting. It seems, and if I'm wrong please correct me, as I get a lot of my news from left-leaning news sources, that the GOP pushed a huge Medicare prescription plan and got the chairman of the AARP to agree to it, even though it's going to gouge seniors price-wise, and now they are touting the fact that the Democrats want to reject the plan, even though it is AARP-approved. Meanwhile, seniors across the country and leaving the AARP in droves and burning their membership cards, disgusted by the plan.
It just seems to me, with all the research showing how influential seniors are in general elections, that this is a dumb idea. Sending through a plan that obviously pisses off a lot of potential voters just to make it seem like the Dems don't want to help them is a bad strategy. I didn't major in poli sci, but this just makes sense to me.
All comments on either issue are welcome :)
You and I, who get our news from left leaning sources, know that this bill wasn't great for seniors. We can see the trick they're playing, trying to make it look like Democrats voted against the AARP. But how will Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity spin it? What about the millions of dollars of attack ads paid for by big corporations?
11/21/2003 02:17:06 PM
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM
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