Shoulda Said

Thursday, July 06, 2006

In Distress!

Why is it that I can no longer buy a pair on un-distressed jeans or khakis from any of the major cheap clothing stores?! Over the past few days, I've been hunting down new khakis for work, and every pair has the same goddamn hole/roughed-up section above the knee, or right below the pocket, or along the ass. I get that maybe this is a current fad, but what happened to the good ol' days, when clothing was distressed because it was worn for longer than one season? Apparently Old Navy is now skewing towards the "unemployed warm-legged trendsetter" demographic I keep hearing so much about, because I certainly can't wear any of their pants to work anymore. Am I too old for fashion now? Have I reached the age where I need to start subscribing to the Brooks Brothers catalogue, wearing dock shoes, and investing in novelty grill aprons? I sure hope not. I'm not ready for that. I just want a pair of intact, pleat-less pants that don't approach my belly button. Is that really so much to ask?

And along the same lines, jeans have gotten even worse. Jeans, I understand, might look better to some with a small hole. A small hole would be fine. However, jeans are ridiculous, especially Old Navy's "Special Edition" jeans. Apparently "special edition" means "worn by a member of Habitat for Humanity and then returned." I saw a pair today that had the bottom half of one leg barely hanging on, miscellaneous rips and tears across the legs and ass, and paint splattered all over them. Either Old Navy now thinks that we, as a collective population of jeans purchasers, no longer have the ability to properly wear our own jeans, or some handyman snuck into Old Navy's fitting room, switched his pants for a new pair, and walked out. Oh, and re-attached a price tag, I guess. It seems kind of silly to me that the jeans people wear to go out these days are much shabbier to start with than the pairs that our parents would have used way back when to do housework in. I guess the irony here really appeals to the trucker-hat-and-large-belt-buckle segment of society. That, or some people are really, really stupid.

I think it's only fair that Old Navy should offer sewing kits at the counter, so that should they want, people could make their jeans look normal.


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