P.S. Doug, it's nothing personal. I don't actually want you to get cornholed, nor do I think you deserve it. I just think it would be really cool to say I know someone who has been cornholed, and have it not be me.
Friday, May 30, 2003
Doug is in JAIL! How cool is that! I hope he gets cornholed!
P.S. Doug, it's nothing personal. I don't actually want you to get cornholed, nor do I think you deserve it. I just think it would be really cool to say I know someone who has been cornholed, and have it not be me.
P.S. Doug, it's nothing personal. I don't actually want you to get cornholed, nor do I think you deserve it. I just think it would be really cool to say I know someone who has been cornholed, and have it not be me.
Update on the job prospect:
I talked to the principal, and she said it was a nice offer, but she wants someone who can fill the position indefinitely. Oh well. Back to the old job hunt (a.k.a. not physically looking for a job yet).
I talked to the principal, and she said it was a nice offer, but she wants someone who can fill the position indefinitely. Oh well. Back to the old job hunt (a.k.a. not physically looking for a job yet).
Thursday, May 29, 2003
So I'm thinking about sticking around at the synagogue for a while. A full-time position just opened up as secretary for the religious school, where I currently work, and I'm going to ask if I can fill it for the year. I can think of pros and cons to this.
No need to drive to work (my mom drives)
Full time with possible benefits
Able to leave in a year
Mondays off
No people my age
Boring as all hell
Religious school principal is a terror
Have to work Sundays
Answering phones...I hate that
I can probably come up with more of each, but this is a pretty half-assed list. What do you guys think? Should I stay or should I go?
No need to drive to work (my mom drives)
Full time with possible benefits
Able to leave in a year
Mondays off
No people my age
Boring as all hell
Religious school principal is a terror
Have to work Sundays
Answering phones...I hate that
I can probably come up with more of each, but this is a pretty half-assed list. What do you guys think? Should I stay or should I go?
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
I can't believe I did it, but I did it. I went out yesterday afternoon and threw down for a Nintendo Gamecube. You might be asking yourself "why?" or "don't you play enough video games?" or maybe even "I wonder what color my grandmother's car is?" if you aren't really reading this post. The answer is, yes, I play a lot of video games. And I have no idea why I bought it. But I did. And it's awesome. At the rate I'm spending, I will most likely blow all of my graduation money by next week. In the past two weeks, I've dropped over $200 on Amazon.com, almost $200 for the video games, and I'm sure there's more in there if you tally up random spending. I'm horrible with money. I might have enough to move out to Chicago by the time I've retired.
On a side note, I'm typing this post from work because I'm really really bored. And my back hurts from working on the floor for a while this morning sorting some papers. And the computer I'm on is horribly old, and there is all sorts of crap in the keyboard and the mouse is all sticky, so I think I'm going to cut this short. Gross.
On a side note, I'm typing this post from work because I'm really really bored. And my back hurts from working on the floor for a while this morning sorting some papers. And the computer I'm on is horribly old, and there is all sorts of crap in the keyboard and the mouse is all sticky, so I think I'm going to cut this short. Gross.
Monday, May 26, 2003
Why is it that five shows or movies can be on at the same time during the day, and I have to switch back and forth between all of them at the same time, thereby understanding only 20% of what I watch, and yet at 2 in the morning, nothing is on? Nothing at all. 300-something channels, and there is not a thing to watch. I know it's cliche to say things like that, but it's so true. Even the 24-hour cartoon and comedy networks let me down. What's the point of devoting yourself 24-hours-a-day to shows that I like if you are going to run miserable garbage and infomercials in the hours when I most desperately need entertainment? I don't want or need to see or even know what the 700 Club is. I don't want a product that sucks all the air out of a bag leaving me with double my storage capacity. No matter what people used to think, Popeye and Tom and Jerry are not funny nor good cartoons. At this point in the night, all of the movie stations either run trashy, B-movie pornography (which I've already seen three or four times, in most cases), sequels to awful movies (I can't watch The Substitue 4 another time, I just can't), or shows that are entirely in foreign languages. Sometimes, you'll get a rare gem which, although not entertaining to watch, you have to stop and wonder about. For example, right now I could be watching Save the Last Dance, which is a personal favorite and all, but I don't understand why it's being aired at 2 am. Are there many people up right now who can stand that movie? I guess so, otherwise they'd broadcast a decent movie. Anyway, I'd better go. Maybe I'll find something good on.
Friday, May 23, 2003
I was really bored last night, so I wrote a story. Enjoy...or don't. Whatever.
Unexpected Twists
by Steve Jacobs
"Life is full of unexpected twists," he thinks, as he fills his eighty-nine cent cup of hot chocolate at the gas station. Hours earlier, he could not have even imagined himself where he was right now: getting premium gas in a stolen car.
Earlier, he thought the same thing as he drove home from the tattoo parlor. That wasn't the unexpected twist; he worked at the tattoo parlor. He'd worked his way up from a simple office clerk to a full-time partner in the tattoo firm and, eventually, a place as one of the most respected rose artists in the eastern United States. People came from as far as six towns over to have him decorate their inner thighs with floral arrangements.
No, what was unexpected was the stranger on the side of the road. The stranger wearing nothing but an apron. The stranger he immediately recognized as the groundbreaking chef from his favorite theme restaurant. The stranger whose wild idea it was to decorate an eatery in the subtle style of the Yukon during the Gold Rush. The stranger no more. This was no stranger. This was Bernard.
Bernard, with no more than a simple box knot preventing his genitalia from highway exposure, was sitting on an old saucepan, attempting to hitch a ride. How could he pass up the opportunity? Could he say no to destiny, who had delivered him wisdom in the form of a doddering old chef with an extended thumb? The obvious answer was not coming to him, so "no" would have to suffice. He pulled over. Bernard simply nodded and flopped in.
No one talked. He figured that somehow, some way, just being in Bernard's presence made him smarter, more business savvy. He didn't care where they were going, or how long they would drive. All he cared about was being right there, right then. Suffice it to say, the ride was uneventful. Well, that is a lie. The ride was very eventful to a small housefly.
It had been born on a bright June day. Actually, it was that bright June day, about two hours earlier. Somehow, in that time, it had done what many flies before it had failed to do: find an open window. Through that open window it went, happier than it had ever been before in its exactly eighteen minutes of life. Outside was so free! So open! There was nothing to stop him from getting to that fresh, clean air that he'd heard so much about for the first half of his life. In reality, however, there was one thing that could stop him from receiving that fresh, clean air. And it did. And it left a disgusting smear.
The smear and loud "thwok" noise that accompanied it shook him out of his reverie. This was getting ridiculous. He was learning nothing, and was becoming quite bitter. How dare Bernard, who obviously has so much to give, stop up the tributaries that should be flowing from his knowledge pool? It was enough to make him want to scream in frustration. In fact, it did, and he did. And the scream fell on deaf ears. Bernard's deaf ears. These complemented Bernard's blind eyes and unscented nostrils. Bernard had died, peacefully, in his sleep. About forty-five minutes ago. Before he had even gotten in the car. Before he had even sat on the old saucepan. In fact, he had not even sat on the saucepan, but had been propped on it by a group of teenagers who were protesting the end of the Weekend at Bernie's movies.
The first thought in his head was that yeah, those movies should still be made. The plot lines might not have been well developed, but that's never stopped George Lucas before. Then, he remembered the utter seriousness of the dead man in his car. Then, he laughed at a witty piece of McCarthy's dialogue in the second Weekend at Bernie's flick. Then, he got serious again. He pulled over. He kicked out the body. He suppressed a sob at the applecart of wisdom that had been upset by Bernard's untimely passing. He lamented dropping out of his four-week correspondence class on neurosurgery, now knowing that it would indeed have come in handy.
When the idea first hit him, he shrugged it off. It was too ridiculous to even consider. But as all the other ideas he had mostly involved tiddly winks and French onion soup, he gave it a shot.
The car was not hard to steal. After all, it was his own car, and he had left the keys in the ignition when he pulled to the side of the road to kick Bernard out. He got in and drove off, leaving the body where it lied. It was, after all, a body, and of no more use to him than that chocolate that is wrapped in gold to look like coins. Seriously, that stuff is worthless. The chocolate part isn't even good, and it is too thin to fully appreciate the texture anyway.
All this talk of chocolate made him thirsty. He was rapidly approaching a gas station, advertising low, LOW prices on both nickel-plated spark plugs and hot chocolate. As he needed both of the above, he pulled in. Since he was saving so much on his hot chocolate, he decided to splurge and buy some premium gas. After all, stolen cars deserve the best.
As he stands in line to pay for his hot chocolate, spark plugs, and premium gas, he hears the familiar strands of a Chubby Checker song in the background. He sips his hot chocolate and strolls away, delighted.
Unexpected Twists
by Steve Jacobs
"Life is full of unexpected twists," he thinks, as he fills his eighty-nine cent cup of hot chocolate at the gas station. Hours earlier, he could not have even imagined himself where he was right now: getting premium gas in a stolen car.
Earlier, he thought the same thing as he drove home from the tattoo parlor. That wasn't the unexpected twist; he worked at the tattoo parlor. He'd worked his way up from a simple office clerk to a full-time partner in the tattoo firm and, eventually, a place as one of the most respected rose artists in the eastern United States. People came from as far as six towns over to have him decorate their inner thighs with floral arrangements.
No, what was unexpected was the stranger on the side of the road. The stranger wearing nothing but an apron. The stranger he immediately recognized as the groundbreaking chef from his favorite theme restaurant. The stranger whose wild idea it was to decorate an eatery in the subtle style of the Yukon during the Gold Rush. The stranger no more. This was no stranger. This was Bernard.
Bernard, with no more than a simple box knot preventing his genitalia from highway exposure, was sitting on an old saucepan, attempting to hitch a ride. How could he pass up the opportunity? Could he say no to destiny, who had delivered him wisdom in the form of a doddering old chef with an extended thumb? The obvious answer was not coming to him, so "no" would have to suffice. He pulled over. Bernard simply nodded and flopped in.
No one talked. He figured that somehow, some way, just being in Bernard's presence made him smarter, more business savvy. He didn't care where they were going, or how long they would drive. All he cared about was being right there, right then. Suffice it to say, the ride was uneventful. Well, that is a lie. The ride was very eventful to a small housefly.
It had been born on a bright June day. Actually, it was that bright June day, about two hours earlier. Somehow, in that time, it had done what many flies before it had failed to do: find an open window. Through that open window it went, happier than it had ever been before in its exactly eighteen minutes of life. Outside was so free! So open! There was nothing to stop him from getting to that fresh, clean air that he'd heard so much about for the first half of his life. In reality, however, there was one thing that could stop him from receiving that fresh, clean air. And it did. And it left a disgusting smear.
The smear and loud "thwok" noise that accompanied it shook him out of his reverie. This was getting ridiculous. He was learning nothing, and was becoming quite bitter. How dare Bernard, who obviously has so much to give, stop up the tributaries that should be flowing from his knowledge pool? It was enough to make him want to scream in frustration. In fact, it did, and he did. And the scream fell on deaf ears. Bernard's deaf ears. These complemented Bernard's blind eyes and unscented nostrils. Bernard had died, peacefully, in his sleep. About forty-five minutes ago. Before he had even gotten in the car. Before he had even sat on the old saucepan. In fact, he had not even sat on the saucepan, but had been propped on it by a group of teenagers who were protesting the end of the Weekend at Bernie's movies.
The first thought in his head was that yeah, those movies should still be made. The plot lines might not have been well developed, but that's never stopped George Lucas before. Then, he remembered the utter seriousness of the dead man in his car. Then, he laughed at a witty piece of McCarthy's dialogue in the second Weekend at Bernie's flick. Then, he got serious again. He pulled over. He kicked out the body. He suppressed a sob at the applecart of wisdom that had been upset by Bernard's untimely passing. He lamented dropping out of his four-week correspondence class on neurosurgery, now knowing that it would indeed have come in handy.
When the idea first hit him, he shrugged it off. It was too ridiculous to even consider. But as all the other ideas he had mostly involved tiddly winks and French onion soup, he gave it a shot.
The car was not hard to steal. After all, it was his own car, and he had left the keys in the ignition when he pulled to the side of the road to kick Bernard out. He got in and drove off, leaving the body where it lied. It was, after all, a body, and of no more use to him than that chocolate that is wrapped in gold to look like coins. Seriously, that stuff is worthless. The chocolate part isn't even good, and it is too thin to fully appreciate the texture anyway.
All this talk of chocolate made him thirsty. He was rapidly approaching a gas station, advertising low, LOW prices on both nickel-plated spark plugs and hot chocolate. As he needed both of the above, he pulled in. Since he was saving so much on his hot chocolate, he decided to splurge and buy some premium gas. After all, stolen cars deserve the best.
As he stands in line to pay for his hot chocolate, spark plugs, and premium gas, he hears the familiar strands of a Chubby Checker song in the background. He sips his hot chocolate and strolls away, delighted.
Thursday, May 22, 2003
(We take you now to the Oval Office.)
George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?
Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.
George: Great. Lay it on me.
Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.
George: That's what I want to know.
Condi: That's what I'm telling you.
George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes.
George: I mean the fellow's name.
Condi: Hu.
George: The guy in China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The new leader of China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The Chinaman!
Condi: Hu is leading China.
George: Now whaddya' asking me for?
Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China.
George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?
Condi: That's the man's name.
George: That's who's name?
Condi: Yes.
George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East.
Condi: That's correct.
George: Then who is in China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir is in China?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Then who is?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Look, Condi. I need the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.
Condi: Kofi?
George: No, thanks.
Condi: You want Kofi?
George: No.
Condi: You don't want Kofi.
George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N.
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi?
George: Milk! Will you please make the call?
Condi: And call who?
George: Who is the guy at the U.N?
Condi: Hu is the guy in China.
George: China?!
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Just get me the guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi.
George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.
George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?
Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.
George: Great. Lay it on me.
Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.
George: That's what I want to know.
Condi: That's what I'm telling you.
George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes.
George: I mean the fellow's name.
Condi: Hu.
George: The guy in China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The new leader of China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The Chinaman!
Condi: Hu is leading China.
George: Now whaddya' asking me for?
Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China.
George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?
Condi: That's the man's name.
George: That's who's name?
Condi: Yes.
George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East.
Condi: That's correct.
George: Then who is in China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir is in China?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Then who is?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Look, Condi. I need the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.
Condi: Kofi?
George: No, thanks.
Condi: You want Kofi?
George: No.
Condi: You don't want Kofi.
George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N.
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi?
George: Milk! Will you please make the call?
Condi: And call who?
George: Who is the guy at the U.N?
Condi: Hu is the guy in China.
George: China?!
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Just get me the guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi.
George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
What the hell is wrong with me? I don't really deserve a website. I'm no good at this regular posting thing. I thought maybe I'd get better over the summer, since I posted all the time during my boring winter break. Maybe I'll get better as time goes on.
I met Caitie at IKEA yesterday. That store is awesome! I want to move in. I mean, it is feasible, what with all that furniture. I'm just not sure about the security procedures for things like that, but I'm a likable enough guy. I think I could get around those. It's been two days now, and work is officially already sucking the life out of my body. Like, physically, my bones are becoming weak and brittle and unable to withstand the stress of daily events such as walking around and drinking orange juice. Since I'm not breaking this post up into paragraphs, I'm just going to keep speaking. I'm really upset with the Democratic candidates for next year's election. So far, no one has really stepped up and become a real leader, which means Bush might win again. That would suck, and my resolve to move to Toronto might be strengthened. I have a really bad canker sore on my lip. It hurts like a bitch, but I don't know why I just shared that. Also, speaking of hurting like a bitch, I sliced my finger open on the metal edge of a light switch plate the other day. It just stopped bleeding yesterday. I think I probably should have gone and gotten stitches, but it's too late at this point. That's all I've got to say right now. Bye!
I met Caitie at IKEA yesterday. That store is awesome! I want to move in. I mean, it is feasible, what with all that furniture. I'm just not sure about the security procedures for things like that, but I'm a likable enough guy. I think I could get around those. It's been two days now, and work is officially already sucking the life out of my body. Like, physically, my bones are becoming weak and brittle and unable to withstand the stress of daily events such as walking around and drinking orange juice. Since I'm not breaking this post up into paragraphs, I'm just going to keep speaking. I'm really upset with the Democratic candidates for next year's election. So far, no one has really stepped up and become a real leader, which means Bush might win again. That would suck, and my resolve to move to Toronto might be strengthened. I have a really bad canker sore on my lip. It hurts like a bitch, but I don't know why I just shared that. Also, speaking of hurting like a bitch, I sliced my finger open on the metal edge of a light switch plate the other day. It just stopped bleeding yesterday. I think I probably should have gone and gotten stitches, but it's too late at this point. That's all I've got to say right now. Bye!
Thursday, May 15, 2003
Wow, again, I haven't posted in a while. In my defense, I've been back and forth to Massanutten for the past week visiting my dad and my sister. It's been an uneventful week. All that's really happened is that I realized I should have spent more time at Massanutten over the past four years. It's a nice place.
I can't believe I'm a college graduate. It's weird. I'm really looking forward to where my life is going to take me.
The above thought is all that has been running through my head for the past week. It's pretty damn cool.
Congrats goes out to Couchwad, for joining the Blogger family. Welcome!
I can't believe I'm a college graduate. It's weird. I'm really looking forward to where my life is going to take me.
The above thought is all that has been running through my head for the past week. It's pretty damn cool.
Congrats goes out to Couchwad, for joining the Blogger family. Welcome!
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
I don't think anyone visits my site anymore. It's a fact. I ask for feedback all the time, but I get none. So here's the deal. To test and see if I have any friends in the online realm, I'm going to post a picture. If you are visiting the site and happen to see it, comment on it. If you do, I'll know you care. Here it is:
What can this skate do to spice up its life? It's up to you, loyal readers.

What can this skate do to spice up its life? It's up to you, loyal readers.
I haven't posted in a long time, and I tried to rectify that a moment ago, and Blogger, which is quite possibly the most evil thing ever, ate my post after roughly three pages. So, in a vain attempt to summarize everything I said moments ago, I will try to sum up what has happened since last I wrote.
- I went to Chicago two weekends ago. I wrote that more was to come later in my last post, but I didn't say how much later. I guess it's now. That city rocks. I can't wait to move out there. It just felt right to be out there. There's no way to summarize the shenanigans that went on during our weekend there, but here's my best shot:
That doesn't really do it justice, though.
- I saw X2. That movie was the coolest thing I've ever witnessed in a movie theater. Except for that time I saw a squirrel eat an entire watermelon and then spit out the seeds in the shape of the Eiffel tower. That was pretty awesome.
- I saw Identity. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but entertaining.
- I changed my screen name (to TigerMooseBattle) and my e-mail address (to jacobsse@hotmail.com).
- I was in my second to last and last performances ever with New and Improv'd as a member. Sigh.
- My mom and sister came and saw one of the above shows (about friggin' time).
- I realized how little I know about graduation, or the real world, or pretty much anything that falls on or after May 10, 2003.
- I ate 25 wings in one sitting today. That's a new personal best.
- I finally looked up "ameliorate" in the dictionary. I've been meaning to do that for a long time.
- I rekindled my love of the Family Guy. I think that might just be my favorite television show ever.
- I paid my rent today.
- I showered regularly throughout the entire time period between posts.
- That's about it. I'm a bit of a dullard. If anyone can remember anything else I did, let me know.
- I went to Chicago two weekends ago. I wrote that more was to come later in my last post, but I didn't say how much later. I guess it's now. That city rocks. I can't wait to move out there. It just felt right to be out there. There's no way to summarize the shenanigans that went on during our weekend there, but here's my best shot:
That doesn't really do it justice, though.
- I saw X2. That movie was the coolest thing I've ever witnessed in a movie theater. Except for that time I saw a squirrel eat an entire watermelon and then spit out the seeds in the shape of the Eiffel tower. That was pretty awesome.
- I saw Identity. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but entertaining.
- I changed my screen name (to TigerMooseBattle) and my e-mail address (to jacobsse@hotmail.com).
- I was in my second to last and last performances ever with New and Improv'd as a member. Sigh.
- My mom and sister came and saw one of the above shows (about friggin' time).
- I realized how little I know about graduation, or the real world, or pretty much anything that falls on or after May 10, 2003.
- I ate 25 wings in one sitting today. That's a new personal best.
- I finally looked up "ameliorate" in the dictionary. I've been meaning to do that for a long time.
- I rekindled my love of the Family Guy. I think that might just be my favorite television show ever.
- I paid my rent today.
- I showered regularly throughout the entire time period between posts.
- That's about it. I'm a bit of a dullard. If anyone can remember anything else I did, let me know.